Envision Fellowship

Am I Eligible?

A Fellow must have received, at the start of their fellowship, a PhD, PsyD, MD, OD, OTD, DPT, JD or equivalent professional degree at an accredited institution. Low vision and blindness research is multi- and inter-disciplinary, thus the topic of the professional degree is less important than the educational and professional experiences that can support the proposed fellowship research. Fellowships are 2 years in duration. Training and research is conducted at ERI, however the Fellow may travel to a mentor's institution for up to 3 months in the first year to receive additional training not available at ERI. Details about the open opportunities and the submission process can be found here.

Applications should be submitted to lou.celli@envisionus.com. Please email any questions to Lou Celli, ERI Executive Director, at the same email address.

The Envision advantage

Envision Research Institute offers a unique combination of environment and resources. Our projects involve close collaboration and integration with Envision’s many programs and services for those who are blind or visually impaired. Having access to this large, diverse community—from the vision-integrated preschool to the state-of-the-art vision rehabilitation center—puts us at a distinct advantage to address this underserved community’s needs and improve quality of life through our research endeavors. For more information, please see our Fellowship Handbook.



In addition to those sponsored by Envision, our fellows have been sponsored by sister National Industries for the Blind agencies and other organizations affiliated with Envision who want to improve the lives of those who are blind and low vision.